Contact Bryce Towsley

The Outside Connection, Inc.

Bryce Towsley is a well-respected and opinionated member of the Hunting and Shooting Industries. He has made his place in the industry by being passionate about his writing and the topics. This popularity often comes at the price of causing disagreements. If you disagree with an opinion expressed in a post anywhere on this site, please respectfully comment on that post. Posts are made in three blogs (Towsley on Tactical, Towsley on Hunting, and 14th Reinstated.) You can also join lively discussions on related topics on Bryce’s Facebook Page.

My plan is to limit each blog to ten sponsors.
I’ll run banner ads with links and work the sponsors in to the blogs when possible.
The blogs will be updated regularly and promoted heavily through social media and other outlets.
Sponsorships are $300.00 each per month.
If you do two or more, it’s $250.00 per month each.

If you need to contact Bryce Towsley for any other reason, please see the information below.

58 Sonia Lane
N. Clarendon, VT 05759-9791

Phone: 802-775-7269

You may also use this form to contact us:

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