The 14th Reinstated




Price: $14.99


The 14th Reinstated, is ripped from today’s headlines and the plot is eerily close to what is happening in the world today. What some are touting as the “best survival book on the market” lays out a frightening and dark scenario of how the world may look in a few years, and readers will pray it is not a prophecy of the future.It’s an action – adventure – mystery novel with all the elements of a rollicking good read: gun, knife and fist fights, desperate chases, pretty girls, likable heroes and mysterious evil doers trying to take over the world. It is set a few years after the world suffers social and economic collapse. There has been a total meltdown and horrible social wars that killed millions. The protagonist is just trying to rebuild a life with his family and neighbors when he is sucked into the most evil and vile of plots. The book opens after he has shot an assassin who tried to kill him. He was looking for his kidnapped niece and the assassin was waiting in ambush. The hero should have been dead before the book even really got started, but the bad guy picked the wrong man to mess with. This is his first clue that something is not what it seems and when thirty more men show up to finish the job he knows he is trouble. As the story develops he discovers a most unimaginable horror that has been perpetrated on the world and realizes that he and his friends are the only people who can stop the bad guys from finishing the job.While an action book with a mystery plot, it’s also character driven. The people in this book come to life as the pages turn. Some of the characters will make you laugh, others will make you cry, but they all will jump off the page and into your heart.

The best survival book in novel form

First Page of the 14th Reinstated - Best Survival Book

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The 14th Reinstated is a complex book that is also a primer on survival after

social collapse. As the protagonist figures out how to survive the hordes bent on destruction, the lessons he learns serve as illustrations for those who worry that we may be headed for a real collapse. The 14th Reinstated then morphs into an epic adventure as the

small group struggles against all odds to save the world from a terrible, bleak and dark future.

Purchase the “best survival book” directly from this site to receive an autographed copy for the same price as an unsigned copy on Amazon.

“Unlike other similar novels available today, this work is penned by a true firearms expert with real-world knowledge of the ins and outs of not only how these weapons work, but also their capabilities. The fact that he is an entertaining and clever writer just makes the work even more notable. Pick up a copy. You won’t regret it.”
Michael O. Humphries – Editor-at-Large, Special Weapons for Military & Police

“Towsley’s novel brings drama, action, and suspense, as current as tomorrow’s headlines. You won’t want to put this one down!”
Jim Wilson – Retired Sheriff of Crockett County, Texas.
Tactical firearms instructor.
Senior Field Editor for NRA Publications and television personality.

“While most post-apocalyptic fiction depends on the writer’s vivid imagination, Bryce Towsley’s vision of the future in “The 14th Reinstated” may be all too real. The book’s detailed passages on firearms and survival are top-notch, just what I would expect from one of America’s most knowledgeable and entertaining outdoor writers.”
John Zent – Editorial Director, NRA Media

This book captures the future we are headed for if we as a people don’t alter our course. Captivating, non-stop action packed and backed with the very substantiated facts on the course of what could become of us.”
Randall Curtis – US Army Special Forces MSG (RET)