All the Angles

All the Angles

  Shooting long range at an angle is not what you think. I just watched a video on a long range shooting page on Facebook. The guy doing the video is some kind of former Marine super sniper. Big surprise, right? Everybody who has served in the military in the...
Miles to Go

Miles to Go

If you ever want a lesson in confusion try researching the history of the mile. It will make you nuts. There is the Roman mile, the Italian mile, the Arabic Mile, the English mile, the Irish mile, the Scottish mile, the Welsh mile and the Dutch mile. Let’s not forget...
Trigger Points

Trigger Points

    The decline and fall of American Customer Service   I saw a rant on Facebook from my friend Travis Gibson at MGM Targets today about the changing ethics and attitudes in the gun industry. It’s not just the gun industry, its society as a whole. The...
The Tactical Bludgeon

The Tactical Bludgeon

  (This is excerpted from my new book, Prepper Guns. It is now on sale with an introductory offer of free shipping at Nothing says, “Go away and leave me alone” quite like the .50 BMG.   There is something almost religious about...