The 14th Reinstated, is ripped from today’s headlines and the plot is eerily close to what is happening in the world today. This book lays out a frightening and dark scenario of how the world may look in a few years, and readers will pray it is not a prophecy of the future.
It’s an action – adventure – mystery novel with all the elements of a rollicking good read: gun, knife and fist fights, desperate chases, pretty girls, likable heroes and mysterious evil doers trying to take over the world. It is set a few years after the world suffers social and economic collapse.
“Towsley keeps you on the edge of your seat and ducking for cover with every turn of the page!”
–Nino Bosaz – Tactical Weapons Magazine Editor
“A fantastic ride through a post-apocalyptic world of chaos and man’s visceral drive to survive. Towsley’s knowledge and experience with hunting and firearms makes for an authentic and sometimes terrifying adventure.”
–Scott Ballard – Weapons and Tactics Instructor, SIG SAUER Academy
“How many times have you picked up a thriller, only to have the author make some egregious gaffe concerning guns and blow all credibility? Towsley’s in-depth firearms knowledge shines through and carries the reader through a rollercoaster narrative of post-apocalyptic times.”
—Iain Harrison – Top Shot Season One Winner.
“Is this a novel or a future History book? Thought provoking and exciting, you might actually learn from this quick moving, post-apocalyptic scenario.”
–Kyle Lamb – SGM Retired, US Army Special Operations.
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