Coues Deer Adventure: The Most Boring Deer Hunting on Earth

Coues Deer Adventure: The Most Boring Deer Hunting on Earth

“You writers are all the same when it comes to hunting Coues deer,” the editor told my friend. “First you glass for hours and hours, and then you shoot a ‘gray ghost’ so far across the canyon you need the Hubble telescope just to see him.” The guy finished his tirade...
The “Ultimate” Long Range Deer Cartridge

The “Ultimate” Long Range Deer Cartridge

In between the bouts of terror and pain I experience while Coues deer hunting, I actually found some time to hunt. I spent it glassing for hours and hours. Then I used my accurate rifle to shoot across a wide canyon and kill the little deer they call the ‘gray ghost.’...
A Day Like This One

A Day Like This One

The African night was receding as we approached the waterhole, but it was still too dark to see tracks. My mood was as dark as the night had been and was failing to rise with the dawn. We were running out of time on this hunt and I was worried about buffalo. Emotional...