

If you read my work than you know I am an advocate of using enough gun for any big game. It’s simple, I believe that you can control some things on a hunt and some things you cannot. I just don’t see the wisdom in using a marginal cartridge. That’s in your control,...
The Best Place

The Best Place

I am just back from 12 days off the grid in Alaska. Well OK, I confess; I did have a Satellite phone. But other than that we were out of touch with the world and a long way away from any other people. My guide was a native of the area, at least in loose terms. We were...
The Continuing Saga of the R-51

The Continuing Saga of the R-51

Against the urgings of every strand of my DNA I had planned to sit this one out. Honest, I did. But I can’t. By now, I am assuming that most of you are aware of the Remington R-51 controversy. I am not talking specifically about the gun itself, but the dust up on the...
Hunting Brown Polar Bears

Hunting Brown Polar Bears

    It’s not unusual to find myself in a hotel room, it seems like I spend half my life in one. Right now I am in Juneau drying out from a soggy but successful hunt. I have a lot of “stuff,” including two guns, scattered all over this hotel room to dry out....