My Reward?

My Reward?

I am dead. The specifics of the event are not important here, but it is the one thing that I am sure about. Soon after it happened I was met by a man whose description eludes me. He said his name was Luke and asked what I wanted. I had just died and he was asking what...

This today from Remington

  July 25, 2014   Remington R51 Pistol Product Update   Earlier this year, we launched the innovative R51 subcompact pistol to critical acclaim.   During testing, numerous experts found the pistol to function flawlessly. In fact, they found it to have lower felt...
Survival Lessons from the Industry Masters

Survival Lessons from the Industry Masters

I am at the Orlando airport watching steady stream of desiccated, tired looking grandparents staggering by with grumpy kids wearing Mickey Mouse hats. It’s been hot this weekend, but then Florida gets that way in July. I am not sure who thought it would be a good idea...
Beyond the Tactard Tango

Beyond the Tactard Tango

I am just back from a two day Reflexive Shooting class at the Sig Sauer Academy. I fired more than a thousand pistol rounds at stationary and moving targets, in bright light, low light and no light, all without sights. I am a happy man. It’s no secret in shooting...
This Again

This Again

Imagine if you will a device that can bring all the wisdom and information of the ages to your fingertips, no matter what time it is or where you are? It would change the world, advance civilization and re-write what man is capable of achieving. Or we can use it to...