What is Prepping?

What is Prepping?

Recently a writer I have read for years, but never met, contacted me through mutual friends.  He is doing a piece for a national magazine on preppers and asked for an interview. While I write about prepping for magazines and prepping was an undercurrent in The 14th...
The End

The End

I have been a bit remiss in getting new postings up here; but I am sure you understand, I have been hunting. Without dwelling on it, this was a non-typical year of deer hunting for me. I spent more time in the northeast than I have in recent years and more time...


I am a lucky man. Due to my chosen profession as a hunting and gun writer (and a lot of hard work) I have been able to hunt most of the world. As a whitetail nut, I think I have hunted them in just about every good place they live and a few not so good. I live in a...
Gun Guys Have a Tactical Advantage

Gun Guys Have a Tactical Advantage

The food is awful, but it feels good to sit down. A day of shopping at the local mall is not your idea of fun, but it keeps the peace with the family. Just as you are making that slurpy sound with the straw to annoy you wife (most men never really grow up) you hear...