Water, Water Everywhere . . .

Water, Water Everywhere . . .

If you have been following the news then you know that the scenario of social and economic crash in the book The 14th Reinstated is not only plausible but may be inevitable. It’s becoming clear that the dollar is on a downward spiral and that government is...
The Passing of a Superstar

The Passing of a Superstar

  “Every sport has its superstar. Larry Benoit is whitetail deer hunting’s.”                               — Butch Towsley – November, 1971   “The magazine cover caused quite a stir when it hit the stands back in 1970. Deer hunters in general take a...
Gone in a Flash

Gone in a Flash

Midnight is a lonely time in a dark parking lot and I was thinking only of a warm bed as I reached for my car keys. Something hit me hard from the side and I fell against my car. I saw the guy swinging again and moved to block the tire iron. I could see another guy...
Guns That Keep You Alive

Guns That Keep You Alive

I don’t know why, but I have a bad habit of finding a hunting company on its last legs and throwing money at them for lousy hunts. I just did that again in Zimbabwe. You know that old adage, “fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me?” Well this was my...