Now Is the Time to Start

Now Is the Time to Start

I was worn out from travel and trying to recover from some minor surgery, so I spent the day riding the couch. It was my misfortune to turn on a cable show about preppers. If you didn’t know any better you would think they are all complete fools that are a little...


  He was just a boy but he was accepting a man’s job. As soon as the light was better he would take us to the buffalo that had been raiding the tiny patch of corn his family grew on this desiccated and crusted ground. As we waited for the sun, I noticed that he...
Getting Home

Getting Home

The truth is that I hope The 14th Reinstated remains fiction. But I fear it will not. Just look at what’s happening around the world right now, with riots in multiple countries, including in the USA. I don’t believe that these are all spontaneous uprisings. I think...
Richard Writes a Book

Richard Writes a Book

If you have followed this Towsley on Tactical blog then you know that Richard Mann and I disagree strongly about the 9mm defensive handguns. But what you probably didn’t figure out is that Richard and I are pretty good friends and we were having a good time with the...
Horny Moose

Horny Moose

Four days into this hunt and it was clear that the elk never got an invitation to the party. With nearly fifty daylight hours invested in the effort we had not seen an elk, heard a bugle or even encountered a fresh elk track. By now we all understood and most of us...