by bmt | Aug 30, 2016 | Towsley on Prepping blog
The rule is never talk to reporters and it’s a good one to follow. They are never on our side and they are rarely honest. But my thoughts are if we refuse to talk with them, nobody will ever hear our side of the story. So I stuck my neck out and consented to the...
by bmt | Apr 23, 2016 | Towsley on Prepping blog
“The only one who knows more about guns than Towsley is God, and I’m not sure about that.” —J. Guthrie, as told to Mike Mattly PREPPER GUNS Firearms, Ammo, Tools and Techniques You Will Need to Survive the Coming Collapse By Bryce M. Towsley Food, water and...
by bmt | Feb 29, 2016 | Towsley on Prepping blog
Preppers need to be a bit thick skinned, as most of the public looks at us with smug amusement. For example during a recent medical visit we were making small talk about how we had spent the past weekend. “I was canning venison,” I said. That brought a little smile of...
by bmt | Dec 9, 2015 | Towsley on Prepping blog
This is excerpted from my upcoming book, “Survival Guns for Preppers” due out this spring. If you are politically oppressed and can’t own the gun you want, this might be the gun you need There is no question that a magazine fed, semi-auto rifle is the best...
by bmt | Aug 23, 2015 | Towsley on Prepping blog
The concept of a “Survival” gun again has taken on a bit of a romantic notion with the prepper movement. I stand firm that the best survival gun is an AR-15 or AR-L in .308. There is not much that these guns can’t do. They are outstanding for defense and adequate for...