The BS Flags

The BS Flags

  I know I have been beating this drum over and over, but what I thought was fiction in The 14th Reinstated seems to be coming true. Frankly it’s starting to worry me. I was using my imagination and trying to see the worst case scenarios for where the country and...
Getting Home

Getting Home

The truth is that I hope The 14th Reinstated remains fiction. But I fear it will not. Just look at what’s happening around the world right now, with riots in multiple countries, including in the USA. I don’t believe that these are all spontaneous uprisings. I think...
Obama’s End Game? America’s Downfall

Obama’s End Game? America’s Downfall

Here is another excerpt from The 14th Reinstated.  It’s looking more and more like the book is a window to the future and America’s downfall. At the rate our debt is piling up, all this could happen in only a few years. After Congress passed the “America First”...
The 14th Reinstated — Fiction or Prophecy?

The 14th Reinstated — Fiction or Prophecy?

When I started writing The 14th Reinstated in the fall of 2011, I believed it was fiction. It was, of course, one possible scenario for where the United States and the world were headed, but it was a worst possible scenario. A great story, but not such a great world....