Guns That Keep You Alive

Guns That Keep You Alive

I don’t know why, but I have a bad habit of finding a hunting company on its last legs and throwing money at them for lousy hunts. I just did that again in Zimbabwe. You know that old adage, “fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me?” Well this was my...
Now Is the Time to Start

Now Is the Time to Start

I was worn out from travel and trying to recover from some minor surgery, so I spent the day riding the couch. It was my misfortune to turn on a cable show about preppers. If you didn’t know any better you would think they are all complete fools that are a little...
Getting Home

Getting Home

The truth is that I hope The 14th Reinstated remains fiction. But I fear it will not. Just look at what’s happening around the world right now, with riots in multiple countries, including in the USA. I don’t believe that these are all spontaneous uprisings. I think...
Ninety Second Bug Out Bag

Ninety Second Bug Out Bag

    If the scenarios predicted in the 14th Reinstated become reality, and it’s looking more and more like they might, you need to be prepared. If you must leave your home in a hurry, can you survive the next few days? When the shit hits the fan...
Obama’s End Game? America’s Downfall

Obama’s End Game? America’s Downfall

Here is another excerpt from The 14th Reinstated.  It’s looking more and more like the book is a window to the future and America’s downfall. At the rate our debt is piling up, all this could happen in only a few years. After Congress passed the “America First”...