The Right Guns for Zombie Apocalypse

The Right Guns for Zombie Apocalypse

  I know – I know. The zombie thing is old news, a joke, passé. If, like me, you are watching the latest season of The Walking Dead you know that to be true. The two episodes that have run so far were horrible. I fear the show has lost its bearings. But, consider...
The Reality of it All

The Reality of it All

  The idea that you can survive social collapse unscathed without the means to defend yourself, your family and your property is naive, foolish and a death sentence. It’s not hard to find examples of what happens today when the “system” breaks down. Just look at...
The Best Place

The Best Place

I am just back from 12 days off the grid in Alaska. Well OK, I confess; I did have a Satellite phone. But other than that we were out of touch with the world and a long way away from any other people. My guide was a native of the area, at least in loose terms. We were...